Thursday, July 9, 2020

Why Was Six Afraid of Seven...?

...Because Seven Ate Nine!

As you might imagine, the number Seven is mighty significant to us here at The Baldpate Inn. Ever since The Mace Family named this place after Seven Keys to Baldpate, the number Seven has taken on a special meaning.

For instance, in The Key Room, we have the key to Room 7 of The Baldpate Inn, which no longer exists today. We have several key rings that each hold Seven keys apiece. We have the 777th key to Baldpate donated by the Ellis and Glynn families. We even have the first key to the gate of Seven Falls, the gorgeous set of Seven cascading waterfalls in Colorado Springs.

However, the number Seven is not just important to The Baldpate Inn, but holds symbolic meaning in many cultures and is often associated with good luck. Here are a few facts about the number Seven for you to ponder:
  • A shape with Seven sides is called a heptagon.
  • When rolling a pair of dice, the sum of Seven has the highest probability of being rolled, more than any other number.
  • Nitrogen has the atomic number 7 and is the most abundant element in Earth's atmosphere.
  • There are Seven Deadly Sins, Seven Days of the Week, Seven Colors of the Rainbow, Seven Seas, and Seven Chakras, to name a few.
As you can see, the number Seven can be found in various cultures around the globe as well as in the natural world. It is unknown how or when the number Seven became a symbol of luck for humanity, but it is clear that these origins go way beyond Seven Keys to Baldpate! Best of luck from The Baldpate Inn!

Written by Danielle New
Museum Curator