Monday, June 22, 2020

University of Michigan Chemistry Building

Hello again, everyone!

Today I was searching through the keys donated from my home state of Michigan and came across a key that struck me. In July of 2012, a Dr. Z.A. Buchan donated a key to the University of Michigan Chemistry Building.
By 1908, the University of Michigan chemistry department had outgrown the original 1856 Chemistry Laboratory, the first such structure in America designed, constructed, and equipped for instruction and research in chemistry. The new Chemistry Building was part of an effort for the University to accommodate the increasing number of students, as well as provide plenty of space to experiment and learn. U of  M's well equipped chemistry department brought in an influx of students-- enrollment doubled between 1910 and 1920. The building was again modified both in 1948 and 1988.

Thousands of great scientists have passed through the halls of the University of Michigan Chemistry Building, including:

  • Sanjay Gupta: news reporter and cheif medical correspondent for CNN
  • Douglas Futuyma: evolutionary biologist 
  • Antonia Novello: 14th Surgeon General of the United States
  • Marie Tharp: created the first scientific map of the Atlantic floor
  • Nathan Rosen: developed wormhole theory with Albert Einstein

University of Michigan Chemistry Building, ca. 1911
As you may have gathered from my previous posts, I am a huge proponent of education-- and I love Michigan-- so finding this key was exciting. 
What has been a (real or metaphorical) key to your education process?