Sunday, June 14, 2020

Summer Enchanted Evening Series

Join us this Wednesday, June 17th at 7 PM for the first installment of our annual Summer Enchanted Evenings series. Bruce Davies will be discussing the History of Women in Rocky Mountain National Park.  Seats for Mr. Davies talk are filled!  No worriess though, you can also tune into our live-stream on the Baldpate Inn YouTube Channel. See you then!

Our next Enchanted Evening will be June 24th at 7 PM! Baldpate Inn's very own Museum Curator, Adam Dohn, will be presenting History of Modern Rock Climbing in Estes Park and Long's Peak. Please call 970-568-5397 to reserve your spot for the in-person event. Seats are going fast! This talk will also be available to view on our YouTube Channel.  

Here is a sneak-peek at our schedule for this summer: