Friday, June 12, 2020

Key Puns: The funny-bone of the Keyroom

One thing that has consistently drawn me to the Key Room is all the clever key puns. My personal favorite, the Mon"key", is low hanging fruit, but some puns are far more thoughtful. Por"key"pig is popular amongst our guests, as is Mick"key" Mouse, another Disney creation.


Looking around, it is obvious to see that our collection contains two general types of keys, functional keys, and novelty keys. It seems to me that most of the key puns fall into the novelty category. Many advertisements that use key in a play on words also fall into this novelty category. Things like "the Key to Foot Comfort" and "the Key to Smoking Perfection", are good copy when it comes to advertising, but pretty poor in their play off of the word key.

A good pun requires good word play, timing, and, most importantly, humor. That is something I think a lot of these key puns lack, they are just cheap copy to get people to buy foot cream or tobacco. However, the spirit of this museum comes from those who donated the key, and not just the keys themselves. The stories behind how each key ended up here is what's important, and that is what I hope to tell through out this summer!